Cheryl D. Fields

Executive Vice President

Equity, social justice and leadership are the primary threads Cheryl has used to weave a career as a journalist and communications consultant. As leader of Langhum Mitchell Communications’ editorial services team, she uses a full set of print, digital, social, and multi-media tools to create strategies, products and materials that convey persuasive messages, build support, and influence public policy.

Cheryl’s recent work in education equity, labor advocacy and leadership development has helped LMC clients achieve their goals and along, the way, win awards. Highlights include:

  • Leading Black Public Media to grow its marketing and communications team from a staff of one to a team of four. The team now provides social media, engagement, content management, and editorial support to the growing organization, which is a content development and distribution partner to PBS, WORLD channel and NPR.
  • Developing, producing and co-hosting an award-winning, live radio talk show for the Amalgamated Transit Union. Now in it’s eighth year, Lunch with Labor is also a podcast.
  • Leading the EdTrust‘s editorial team, where Cheryl also guided the digital launch of the organization’s College Results Online portal.
  • Providing strategic communications support to the Kellogg Foundation‘s Leadership for Community Change initiative and serving on the national leadership team of the Kellogg-funded Community Learning Exchange.
  • Serving as a consultant to the filmmakers of Peabody Award-winning documentary 180 Days: A Year Inside an American High School.

A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Cheryl holds a master’s in journalism from the University of Southern California. The former Poynter Institute of Media Studies fellow, loves a good story and enjoys helping clients figure out how to deliver persuasive messages for optimal result.